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Showing posts with label show biz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label show biz. Show all posts

Monday, April 26, 2021

Do not miss this !

The Dinosaur Festival.

I'm told here will be real live Dinosaurs there so I wouldn't miss it for quids. Yes, I thought they were extinct too but where did they get all those beasts to appear in those Jurrassic World movies? They weren't actors were they?. There wouldn't be a point to having a festival of Dinosaurs without the real thing and besides, publicists and PR people don't tell fibs. Somewhere there is an island where all the Dinosaurs hang out so maybe a few will be attending this wondrous festival (take no notice of the pic- I don't think that's a real Dinosaur). If only one makes an appearance it will make my day.

The PR handout includes this:

The outdoor Dinosaur Festival Sydney offers a dynamic opportunity to expose school learners to experiences and explore the pre historic world in a rich and friendly educational environment. At the Dinosaur Festival we believe that through interactive exhibits and hands-on activities, kids will have the ability to take ownership of their own learning, develop and explore their own curiosities. This unique exhibition provides the foundation for creativity, critical thinking, and understanding of their immediate environment importance.

So there.Obviously there will be rides on real live Dinosaurs and Raptors to pat and maybe a TRex to wreak havoc. Well that's what it sounds like to me. See you there.

(Maybe Godzilla will turn up)

And look how inexpensivie it is:

EARLY BIRD TICKETS (if you book before the 30th of April 2021) • Kids $10.00 • Seniors $12.00 • Adults $15.00 • Family of four $45 (2 adults and 2 kids). • Group or Family of eight mixed kids or adults $85.00 See more here:

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Hugh Jackman & Sydney's New Year's Eve

Actor Hugh Jackman who stars in the film The Greatest Showman is aiding in the organising of the sensational New Year's Eve fireworks that will be on display on Sydney Harbour on Sunday night. The Sydney celebrations are usually the first in the world and are viewed by 100s of millions around the planet. What fantastic publicity for Jackman's new flick!
Below is Hugh at the Sydney Opera House and below that a trailer for The Greatest Showman.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Yartz Party

 The Federal Election is almost upon us and while arguably the most artistically inclined
prime minister Malcolm Turnbull will be fighting for his political life a new party has been launched and is hoping to pick up one million votes.
The Arts Party "exists to encourage a more creative, cultural, educated and prosperous life for every Australian.". The first candidate will be Lou Pollard who will be standing for the North Sydney seat.
And the party is now crowd-funding to raise money for the coming election. You can read more or join the party at their official website here.
And there are some real heavy weight show biz names already spruiking for the campaign including Bryan Brown, Geraldine Turner and Lex Marinos. The only thing missing is a word from Australia's Cultural Attache to the Court of St James Sir Les Patterson.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

VIPs Only !

You have to hand it you nightclub entrepreneur Karim Gharbi who rules the roost at Double Bay's Casablanca nightclub. His new VIP venture is a much needed service for Sydney : the concept is a one-stop-shop for anyone that wants the very best this city has to offer. Whether it's a Lear Jet on standby, the best suite at one of this cities luxurious hotels, the best table at our world renowned restaurants or just perhaps the latest Rolls Royce to ferry you from point to point, Gharbi promises to smooth the way. And we love his 5 day cosmetic package that will rejuvenate the most jaded.
How appropriate that Karim should launch his business at the amazing Penthouse at the Top of The Town in Kings Cross.
The above vista is just part of the sensational view from one of Sydney's secret party spots. And yes, the Roller with the open doors greeted us upon arrival. No, the pushbike does not belong to Whispers (we walked) but we can report that magnums of Moet & Chandon flowed for one of Sydney's best parties of the year. Whispers approved. And we aren't even VIPS!. Russian oligarchs should form an orderly queue.