the Social Shuttle


Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts

Saturday, August 28, 2021

WE were there and it's all true

An interesting tale about Molly Meldrum screwing up the atmosphere on a Sydney Harbour cruise for Elton John. We know it's true because Whispers was there. Not only did many people immediately ditch odd little packes of white powder overbiard as a police boat delivering Molly approached (not us- we lead a clean life) what this atory doesn't mention is that Molly slipped as he was trying to board the Elton cruise and plunged into Sydney's deadly harbour. Why didn't a shark take Molly? Good taste I guess. And yes the party that was in full swing become a tad sober after that as the guests were forced to rely on alcohol only. READ IT HERE:

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Leap of faith

Whispers was very disappointed due to a prior engagement at having to miss the opening of The Book of Mormon which has finally arrived in Sydney at the Lyric Theatre at The Star in Pyrmont. Fortunately ace snapper Belinda Rolland was there to record the event. We have no idea why everyone is Jumping For Joy. Perhaps they have "found religion". Still, it's all good fun. You too can take a leap and book tickets here for the show but get in early. It's going to be very popular.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

At the Cannes Film Festival

Spotted by our spy disguised as an aging French movie star, Big Jim Byrnes, Sydney resident and one of this cities most 'colorful' characters, at the Cannes Film Festival.

And doesn't he look elegant - he's about 6'6" - and seems to have lost a lot of weight. 

 Jim is regularly seen around town in a tasteful red (or is it a silver one now?) Bentley. The glamorous lady on his arm is a friend Hannah Varland. 

 Jim's Byrnes Group was an official Sponsor for AMFAR. 
How the other half live !

Thursday, February 2, 2017

David Jones Winter Collection

Whispers as always selflessly attended the David Jones fashion spectacular last night so we could drink many glasses of French Champagne bring the latest winter fashions to you which you simply must have this year. As you can see there was a Media Wall -  a must have at every event, even the opening of a small coffee shop so readers can see yet another blatant advert know exactly where they are. Photographers of course hate love these media walls as they basically date their snaps. When picture editors surf through photographic files for a pic of a certain celebrity they tend to by-pass media wall snaps as they date the pic. Enough bitching. Whispers takes it's job as Nibbles & Fine Wine Inspector at social events very seriously. You know who all these slebs are or you should. They were at the last event. OK Lara Bingle wasn't so among our fabulous snaps you will find her, against that media wall. And the fashions? It's up to you to zip into your nearest DJs and pursue what's on offer. You won't be disappointed

Editor's note : corrected for spelling etc and hack severely reprimanded for supply copy at 2 am after consuming numerous refreshments
Below: Celebrities against the Media Wall!
 Below: models & fashion..a requirement at fashion shows