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Showing posts with label sisha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sisha. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gina Rinehart flees Charity

Infighting has broken out in Cambodia over the high profile 'ant-slavery trafficking' charity SISHA.
SISHA  (South East Asia Investigations into Social and Humanitarian Activities) is mainly staffed by ex-policeman from Australian  and the UK and hit the headlines in March this year when it led a raid on the Love in Action orphanage in Phnom Penh run by former Queenslander Ruth Golder. Children were removed from the orphanage by local police and government officials.

In the days following the raid Cambodian officials began issuing denials on some of the more lurid SISHA claims that also appeared in the report filed by a Fairfax writer who accompanied SISHA. Indeed, it seems Golder was unfairly maligned in the reporting which wasn't subsequently corrected by Fairfax.
 A war of words has now begun amongst the ex-pat community in Phnom Penh with posters saying the Fairfax writer should have disclosed that when they were 'embedded' with the SISHA raid, that Gina Rinehart as a major Fairfax shareholder was also the main funder of SISHA.
Now it seems SISHA's generous benefactor Rinehart, one of the world's richest woman who has genuine interest in saving Asian children and women from poverty, has abandoned the charity.
On Friday her Hancock Prospecting sent out emails on Friday stating that Gina had resigned her post at SISHA.
Meanwhile the war of words continues on the web.