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Showing posts with label lachlan gillespie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lachlan gillespie. Show all posts

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Night of the Big Cheques

Shelly Horton & Carrie Bickmore
It was called the Twinnings' Design Challenge. Prominent celebrities were asked to design a new tea packet for the famous tea company. Nicole Kidman, model Samantha Harris, racing identity Emma Freedman and host of the TV show The Project Carrie Bickmore accepted. When the tens of thousands of public votes for the winner were announced, it was Carrie who had won. Ten cents from the sale of every packet of tea sold now goes to Carrie's charity Carrie's Beanies for Brain Cancer which she started in honour of her husband who passed away from the disease.
The other contestants also received a donation from Twinnings for their chosen charities, hence the sight of said slebs walking about with over-sized cardboard cheques !

Guests at the party to announce the winner (including Whispers) were transported on a mild Autumn night on the amazing Starship, a sort of floating ballroom, from the King Street Wharf to Cockatoo Island where the 4 designs for the tea packet were projected  onto a cliff face. Fueled by copious glasses of champagne (and even cups of tea) and we can report a very Good Time was had by all. And on hand- a 6th generation family member Stephen Twinning. Whispers gratefully accepted a ride home in the chauffeured Bentley of Real Housewives of Sydney star Christa Billich.
What a life!
Stephen Twinning... and the amazing Starship
Emma Watkins & Lachlan Gillespie..their shoes                                                  Olivia Phyland &  Lauren Vickers