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Showing posts with label costa brava. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costa brava. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Donald Friend Re-visited

The Savill Galleries in Paddington has a retrospective of Donald Friend's works which is a must see. It's rare to get this many Friend paintings together at one time-there are 28 on show- works that come on the market are snapped up immediately by collectors.

Donald Friend studied at the Westminster School of Art in London and served as a gunner in the AIF during WW2. While stationed in Albury  he became friends with Russell Drysdale and the pair were instrumental in establishing the famous art colony at Hill End.

Donald Friend portrait by Greg Weight 1987
He's probably most famous for his Bali period although there are some wonderful portrait studies at the Savill from his time in Paris in the 1940s.
 Friend discovered Bali in the 1960s when the island paradise was unheard of by most in the West. He moved there and built a magnificent house where over the years he entertained all manner of people from visiting diplomats to pop stars like Mick Jagger and David Bowie.

He moved back to Australia in the 80s when Bali became an Antipodean version of the Costa Brava and died in 1989.

Savill Galleries
156 Hargrave Street
Tel: +61 2 9327 8311