the Social Shuttle


Showing posts with label Dick Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dick Smith. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dick Smith's " I Love Dick" Advert Banned !

Entrepreneur Dick Smith's latest TV advertisement has been banned. Here it is. His products are actually very good and worth those few cents more they cost.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Look Who We Trust!

 Some surprising results from a Readers Digest survey on who Australians find as the most 'trustworthy' souls in the land.
Dick Smith
Coming in at Number One is Dr. Charlie Teo (left), the handsome and talented, sometime controversial neurosurgeon. He's followed by the burns specialist Dr Fiona Wood but the next three are pure (sort of) show biz: Hugh Jackman, Mary Donaldson, Crown Princess of Denmark (not bad for a former real estate agent) and entrepreneur Dick Smith.

Father Riley & Eric Bana
Next is the Shuttle's favourite selfless charity worker Father Chris Riley who runs YOTS and at 44 is our equal favourite Catholic priest Father Bob McGuire who was just forcibly retired by the Church but carries on his tasks feeding the homeless and such in Melbourne regardless.

Down the list at 74 is the most trustworthy politician, former PM Kevin Rudd with former Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull at 76.  Both are way ahead of Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard.
Shane & Kyle
Actors like Deborah Lee Furness, Cate Blanchet and Michael Caton are considered very trustworthy as is the Singing Budgie aka Kylie Minogue at No 30 but who comes in last? : At 99 is Kyle Sandilands behind Rupert Murdoch (surely American?) at 97 and Shane Warne at 74. Wacky mining magnate Clive Palmer who is building a replica Titanic in China is No 92.

And more popular than any business mogul or politician? Why The Wiggles of course at 15!
Current Ecuador Embassy resident Julian Assange, listed as Editor-In-Chief of Wikileaks is regarded as the 75th Most trusted Australian. Here is Julian recently interviewing Noam Chomsky and writer Tariq Ali :

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Melbourne Cup Hat Of The Day

In the end, it looked like the QANTAS debacle was a bonus for Sydney with every pub, bar, restaurant, hotel ballroom, park and garden packed with hundreds of people celebrating the Melbourne Cup.

John Ibrahim & Chelsea Mitchell
Charlotte Dawson & pals
There were parties everywhere one looked.

A few of the smartest : the  Moët & Chandon party at the W Hotel hosted by TV personality Charlotte Dawson with a room full of good looking young punters including Liberty & Somer Watson from Coco Ribbon in London's Notting Hill Gate plus some fine food and plenty of champers.

The Chandon luncheon in Centennial Park with social heavyweights like Glen Marie Frost, Deeta Colvin, Melissa Hoyer and Victoria Morish and top party designer James Gordon.

Sharon Sargeant & Frank Monte
Liberty & Somer Watson, Alison Barton-Chen

The Finger Wharf, which the W Hotel forms part of, had a dozen parties with every restaurant packed to the rafters, with the very swish Otto's booked out weeks beforehand.

Cup cakes at the W
Radio king John Laws was there with wife Caroline and Malcolm Coppleson , Frank Monte with party girl Sharon Sargeant and keeping a low profile, nightclub tsar John Ibrahim with his girlfriend Chelsea hosting a table with about a dozen friends.

At the Cup itself at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne , international stars were few on the ground.
Shane Warne and Elizabeth Hurley failed to show nor did Joan Collins. Kim Kardashian is in Sydney for a party tonight (pursued by the world's media)
The W Hotel
But they will be there on Oak's Day (Thursday) which is far more genteel and fashionable, along with Sarah Jessica Parker who flew in to Melbourne on Monday but lunched at the Chandon's Greenpoint Brasserie in the Yarra Valley. The only star of note at the Cup-actor Adrian Grenier.

And amongst the wild and wacky costumes that appear on Cup day-the prize goes to multi-millionaire self promoter Dick Smith for his simple but effective Dick Smith's Ozemite hat !. That's Dick's political statement on his annoyance that the iconic Aussie spread Vegemite has been snapped up by a foreign corporation and a clever plug for the new spread he is marketing.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Punishing Prince Andrew

Our tale yesterday on April Ist was slightly misleading. We meant to say HRH Prince Andrew should be appointed as Governor of NSW.

It's the ideal punishment. Four years opening endless garden fetes and charity bazaars, signing local government bills into law and meeting new Cabinet Ministers of the Coalition-with a threat of a further 4 year appointment should he not mend his ways.

Our apologies to the one London tabloid scribe who sent a fierce email castigating the Shuttle for the 3 hours he spent checking on the tale. The other two British newspapers were much more jovial about it.

The crafty Madame Arcati spotted the ruse immediately. One would have to get up early to  pull the wool over her eyes unlike the Times of India which ran the story on page three.

The excellent website was sensibly sceptical.

Anorak also got stuck into our good pal the multi-millionaire adventurer  Dick Smith with his "2 children only" policy and pointed out who would never have been born under such a rule- Don Bradman and Ned Kelly being just two.

Unfortunately they linked to that opinion writer for hire Andrew Bolt, climate denier pal of the dotty Lord Monckton and right wing mouthpiece for the Melbourne Herald Sun. Andrew is also a stolen generation denier who makes Pauline Hanson look like an old lefty.

He once famously challenged left wing Professor Robert Manne of La Trobe University to Be a Manne and name just ten (sic) stolen children whereupon Manne produced 4 pages of names.

Bolt has spent the last few days in the Federal Court where 9 Aboriginals have filed a claim under the Racial Vilification Act over his columns and blog in 2009 when he got stuck into mixed blood indigenous folk who identify as Aboriginal.

Andrew Bolt
 In one piece titled White Is The New Black Bolt suggested “white Aborigines” were illegitimate and therefore not eligible for prizes and benefits"

As one of the claimants pointed out "what prizes and benefits does one get for being black ?"

Yesterday Bolt lost his cool under questioning in the witness box  and slammed the claimants who he said brought the anti-discrimination case brought against him as an “unforgivable travesty” designed to “smear me.”

That brought a swift rebuke from Justice Bromberg and Andrew was forced to apologise. Bolt actually said at one stage "some of my best friends are are gay Aboriginals".
It's not looking too good for Bolt.

Today former Former Federal Court Judge Ron Merkel who is acting for the nine prominent members of the Aboriginal community linked Bolt's writings to the eugenics movement saying :

“Mr Bolt’s assumption is because you’ve got mixed descent or you are white you have a choice to renounce who you are,” “But they never had the choice that Mr Bolt ascribes to them…throughout their whole lives they have identified as Aboriginal persons.”
“That’s the real sting that you’ll see in these articles.”

James Murdoch
 Which brings us back to and their "third child" syndrome.

On Wednesday News Corp announced that James Murdoch is now Deputy COO, Chairman and CEO of News Corp International which makes him 3rd in line and the presumed heir to Rupert Murdoch

James, 38 is the Third Child of Rupert Murdoch and the former Anna Murdoch !