the Social Shuttle


Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Feel Good Story

If you have not encountered Sydney solicitor Christopher Murphy (on the left) - it's probably a good thing !
Don't get us wrong. Murphy is one of the most sought after criminal lawyers in Australia. He's also contributed to many newspapers with regular columns and he's one of those lawyers that goes into bat for the underprivileged.
Murphy is also great pals with many of this cities most notable personalities from all walks of life : sports persons. politicians, movie stars and business people.
This is all by the way of introducing a nice little poem penned by Chris' young son Jesse. Whispers thinks it's a pretty neat poem in that sort of extensional manner in which children (Jesse is 9!) somehow have the ability to cut to the chase and tell the truth. Out of the mouth of babes etc etc.
Others agree including broadcaster Alan Jones (above centre) who read out Jesse's work on radio and Whisper's favourite thespian Russel Crowe who tweeted his appreciation this morning.