the Social Shuttle


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Very Sharp

Martin Sharp & Fairley Kingston
Artist Martin Sharp has a new exhibition at the Damien Minto Gallery in Redfern and as always, it's not too be missed. Sharp has been ill for some time but he still made the opening night along with many old pals from the past.
You can also watch the superb ABC TV documentary on Sharp : The Sharp Edge - The Art of Martin Sharp .here
 And of course you can just look across the harbour and beneath the Harbour Bridge to the wonderful entrance face to Luna Park, painted by Martin.

Damien Minton Gallery, 583 Elizabeth St, Redfern, 2016
 Tel : 9699 7551
Graceland : Tue 6 - Sat 17 August 2013

Earth to the noted Sydney fashion Designer, much beloved by the Sunday tabloid gossip merchants :
When you post your preferred voting intentions on Facebook ( perfectably reasonable) it's probably best not to say the country should by run by businessmen and as a corporation when your own business went belly-up a few years ago leaving dozens of small creditors out of pocket, some who lost their businesses and had to take out mortgages to pay debts, whilst you re-surfaced in a large mansion and opened new boutiques. Why do these words spring to mind : Boliva, marching, powder.