the Social Shuttle


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Watch Out Gay Soldiers & Cate Blanchett -Christians Are Marching

Days after Cate Blanchett came under a sustained attack from Rupert Murdoch's News Ltd stable of newspapers, another religious organisation has scored a victory in having an HIV advert pulled in Queensland.

Tabloids like the Daily Telegraph went on the rampage over Blanchett's appearance in a Climate Change advertisement with a claim 'the community was outraged' that a  Hollywood actress with a $53 million fortune should be pushing for a carbon price (seemingly forgetting Cate would be paying full whack of a carbon tax and was supporting lower income Aussies getting a carbon tax refund presumably from the likes of her).

The community turned out to be comical MP Barnaby Joyce and the Australian Family Association (patron : Dame Elisabeth Murdoch). Now a close ally of the Australian Family Association- the Australian  Christian Lobby has succeeded in having an HIV warning advert pulled by Adshel after just 30 complaints.

The models in the advert promoting awareness of HIV in same-sex couples, Michael O'Brien and his partner have now got over 100,000 supporters on their facebook page.

Earlier this year the Australian Christian Lobby which claims it has 200,000 supporters (but a membership of less than 2000) tweeted that when Anzacs went to war it wasn't for "gay marriage and Islamic"(sic).

No doubt that came as a surprise for Edward Young who at first was refused a war 'widows' pension by the government when his partner of 38 years Larry Cairns, a WW2 veteran died in 1998.
The UN Human Rights Committee ruled otherwise in 2003. 
It is part of the forgotten history of this country-the number of gays and lesbians who fought in WW1,WW2, Vietnam and every other conflict.

In schizophrenic fashion, News Corp has been agitating for it's own corporation to become 'carbon friendly'. You can read about the HIV advert event in err..The Australian (proprietor : R.Murdoch).