the Social Shuttle


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Gets Coy With Poster !

Just a week after the Shuttle published the cover of the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras program guide (left) which is now available from hundreds of outlets around inner Sydney,  a similar poster has begun appearing in the streets.

Today a reader snapped one on Crown Street outside Billy  Kwongs world famous Chinese restaurant where dozens of customers queue each evening.

The program guide cover is often re-produced in posters and flags that fly along Sydney boulevards during the current Mardi Gras season which lasts until the first week of March and culminates in the colourful parade that snakes up Oxford Street for several hours before finishing in a party at Fox Studios attended by tens of thousands of party-goers.

Perhaps it was our imagination but we pointed out what seems to be a  pornographic image on the programme cover (feast your eyes on the right hand top corner next to the red flames !).

The guide is left in streets all over Sydney stacked in piles for anyone (kids included) to pick up. We pondered on the fact the same may appear fluttering from flag poles all over Sydney and lo and behold, today they began to appear.

But note the subtle difference !. Or is it all in the mind ?
(and has the anti-Mardi Gras Reverend Fred Nile noticed yet ?)