the Social Shuttle


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mick Jagger's Big Dick and Rats !

Jerry & Georgia in Melbourne

Mick Jagger is has a big dick  !.

That's according to Jagger's ex-wife Jerry Hall in response to Keith Richard's claim in his autobiography life- that the Rolling Stone's front man has a "tiny willy".

She didn't quite put it like that to our Shuttle operative in Melbourne today.
"Mick has nothing to complain about, nor would anyone with him be disappointed in the slightest ! " said the 6' Texan.

Jerry was attending a cosmetic launch at Myer along with her gorgeous daughter Georgia Jagger who has inherited the best aspects of her parents. Tall and languid with Micks big sensual lips.

Jerry says she hasn't resorted to plastic surgery-or face designing-but is very into yoga.
"I like to change things from the inside" she said.
On her extended visit to Australia she said: 
 "I love this country. Everything is better here. " (mind you, they all say that). She is a regular visitor having been to these shores 6 times now.
" I think I'll be spending a lot more time here " presumably referring to her current beau, Perth businessman Warwick Hemsley (pictured right).

On Mick :"he's the most wonderful father to our children".

Jerry still lives in Jagger's Surrey house which is divided into 2 sections and where she keeps a menagerie of pets.

On the subject of animals we specifically asked our Melbourne mole  (who chickened out at the last moment)  to remind Jerry of a Shuttle tale that appeared in a UK newspaper a few years ago.

Mick had already collared the Shuttle at a Sydney party and chided your scribe over our claim that the Jagger house on Cheyne Walk in Chelsea had a cellar that was a seething pit of huge rats.

As a regular visitor to a friend who lived opposite on  a barge on the Thames, we once spotted one of those horrendously huge foot long rodents that appear at low tide, scuttle across the road and disappear into the Jagger garden and duly reported the fact, as one does, to a Fleet Street tabloid in exchange for a generous financial consideration.

former Jagger householder
Mick remonstrated with your scribe and said Jerry had not only read the tale and believed it but had ordered in the exterminators who fumigated the entire house and grounds whilst the  family retired to a country retreat for the weekend.

On returning the fumigator's report stated no rats had been found, but any number of cockroaches had been destroyed and a dozen tiny mice had bitten the dust.

Apparently Jerry said Mick, had worried for weeks that the deaths of so many insects and mammals may affect her karma !

Amazing isn't it ?. Some old boozy hack can completely upend a celebrity's life no matter how famous they are !

# Jerry has also taken the opportunity to introduce daughter Georgia to some of her Australian cousins. Mick Jagger's mother originally emigrated to the UK from Australia and Jagger, a family man has always maintained contact with the Aussie side of the Jagger family.