the Social Shuttle


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Murdoch's manipulated snap

Phones have been running hot since tSS attended Graeme Goldberg's Dee Bee's party in Double Bay on Tuesday night.
Media outlets are desperate to lay their hands on a photograph of cricketing great Glenn McGrath and his new girlfriend, Italian Sara Leonardi who were sitting quietly chatting at the restaurant.
The Daily Telegraph has run a front page snap today that is photoshopped to place the 2 closer together (right). The original is on the left.

Woman's Day is already spruiking a story for the next issue on their website but showing a much more honest version of the pair as they were seated on opposite sides of the table (below).
Where does that leave Murdoch son-in-law Mathew Freud who made the recent bizarre claim in the New York Times that he and several Murdoch family members were "appalled" by Rupert's Fox News in the USA ?.

Freud, a spin doctor for products like Kentucky Fried Chicken, Birdseye Peas and Nike says this on his Freud Communication's website :
"We get frustrated by our industry’s reputation. Ever been over-promised & underwhelmed? Thought so. We have a unique solution to the problem. TELL CLIENTS THE TRUTH. Is honesty always easy? No, but we believe that in the long-term you’ll respect us for it. We’ll get to make one kind of promise, the kind that doesn’t get broken…We believe that honesty earns trust."
Perhaps Mathew can have a quiet word with his wife's father and remind him of the Australian Journalists Association Code of Ethics and in particular this one:
9. Present pictures and sound which are true and accurate. Any manipulation likely to mislead should be disclosed.
Clearly a case for the PhotoshopDisasters blogspot.