the Social Shuttle


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

tabloid fantasies..

A devastating tale in the Murdoch tabloid, the Daily Telegraph of the sale of the late Johnny Baker's Edgecliff apartment.

It reports : "Now, with the passing of the legendary society "walker", Baker's executor has listed his small but fashionably located flat with expectations of $700,000 plus. Its online listing with Century 21's Tony Moses has brought an outpouring of tales."

Oh really ?. Why would a slew of society maidens-all who live in lavish Eastern Suburb's mansions give a toss about Bake's apartment being flogged ?.

The fact that Century 21 are huge advertisers with News Ltd is entirely co-incidental. Spoting free plugs for the Teles' advertisers is like looking for the endless mentions of Murdoch's cable TV channel Foxtel. Too easy.
Lady Sonia McMahon and the late Bakes.