the Social Shuttle


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chiggy Wiggy and even more gaiety..

Paddington's working class RSL club will host Indian royalty on November 4th in the form of his splendid highness Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil the Maharajkumar or Crown Prince of Rajpipla belonging to the royal family of the former princely state of Rajpipla in India which dates back at least 600 years.

Singh Gohil, who outed himself in 2006, will be a guest at a conference on HIV AIDs prevention for ACON and as a guest for the Burnet Institute and the Dept of Foreign Affairs. Brought up surrounded by luxury and servants he is the only known person of royal lineage in modern India to have publicly revealed he is gay.

Fleeing from a disastrous and unconsummated marriage and a nervous breakdown, the prince flung himself headlong out of the closet to assist gay causes. He's done the Oprah Winfrey show, inaugurated the Euro Pride gay festival in Stockholm, Sweden in 2008 and trawled the UK's gay haven Brighton for a British boyfriend for the BBC cameras. Glitter saris all round !

It's all for a good cause : tickets for the night are available at

### The Singing Budgie's first Bollywood appearance in Blue has been deemed a disaster. British critics who usually go completely ga ga over our gal have called Kylie Minogueas sexy as a fat housewife in a kaftan”. Kylie shouldn't worry-she picked up a million dollars for her short appearance singing the wonderfully named song Chiggy Wiggy !